Monday, April 12, 2010

Doctors Fired and Resigning Due to Obamacare?

In the last few weeks at a local Clinic/Hospital three doctors have been fired and seven more have resigned. Here's a quote from the CEO: "The firings and the departures are the “inevitable result of the pressures of over-regulation of physician services” brought about by health care reform . . .  And local rumors are that dozens more resignations are on the way.

***UPDATE*** 24 doctors suing Sadler Clinic! 

Just like we all warned and suspected this would go.  Fewer doctors, canceled appointments, Repeal the Bill!

And, coincidentally, today's Rasmussen Reports shows a national average of dozens of polls show that support for Repealing the health care bill - law - is growing. Support for repealing the bill is now up to 58%! Here's a link to check out the numbers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Repeal the Health Care Bill - The Push Is On!

Now that the President has signed the bill into law the push for repealing the Health Care Bill is on!

What this means is that in the upcoming elections we must see to it that we vote for and promote Congressmen and Senators that will stand with those of us who want to control government spending, get Washington fat cats out of the medical decision making process, and more.

In order to successfully repeal the Health Care Bill we must get a groundswell of support, numbers in Washington DC, and have enough to overthrow any Presidential veto.

Yes we may get enough votes to repeal, but Obama would certainly veto it.