Monday, April 12, 2010

Doctors Fired and Resigning Due to Obamacare?

In the last few weeks at a local Clinic/Hospital three doctors have been fired and seven more have resigned. Here's a quote from the CEO: "The firings and the departures are the “inevitable result of the pressures of over-regulation of physician services” brought about by health care reform . . .  And local rumors are that dozens more resignations are on the way.

***UPDATE*** 24 doctors suing Sadler Clinic! 

Just like we all warned and suspected this would go.  Fewer doctors, canceled appointments, Repeal the Bill!

And, coincidentally, today's Rasmussen Reports shows a national average of dozens of polls show that support for Repealing the health care bill - law - is growing. Support for repealing the bill is now up to 58%! Here's a link to check out the numbers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Repeal the Health Care Bill - The Push Is On!

Now that the President has signed the bill into law the push for repealing the Health Care Bill is on!

What this means is that in the upcoming elections we must see to it that we vote for and promote Congressmen and Senators that will stand with those of us who want to control government spending, get Washington fat cats out of the medical decision making process, and more.

In order to successfully repeal the Health Care Bill we must get a groundswell of support, numbers in Washington DC, and have enough to overthrow any Presidential veto.

Yes we may get enough votes to repeal, but Obama would certainly veto it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Senate Democrats Vote Down Amendments

In a marathon session in the Senate last night, the Democrats defeated the GOP's amendments to the fixer-upper bill for Health Care Reform. The only surviving amendment dealt with student loans. All that is left of the amendments is the Democrats' voting record to be used as cannon fodder for the mid term elections.

Left in the Health Care Bill are all the sweetheart deals for Louisiana, Tennessee, Hawaii, Montana, Connecticut and others. Even today Senator McCain warned that there are probably more problems with the bill that have yet to be uncovered.

You could probably hide an elephant in a 2,700 page bill. Sounds a little like cold war intelligence battles with the USSR. The strategy was to put out so much garbage information along with the correct info that the Russians would not be able to make sense of any of it. Sound familiar?

The solution? Repeal and rewrite.

Repeal the Health Care Bill. Call and write your reps in Congress.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GOP Amendments to the Health Care Bill

So Obama signed the Health Care Spending Bill this week and, if you listen to MSNBC, the new age of heaven has begun. The Republican Senators are presenting amendments to the bill to correct some of the glaring problems with the bill.

For example, Senator McCain is addressing the pork and back room deal making by presenting an amendment to cut out the special deals for Louisiana, the Cornhusker deal, and others. Senator Coburn is presenting an amendment to prohibit sex offenders from getting prescription Viagra on the taxpayers dime. He's also filed 8 other amendments that address concerns about growing bureaucracy, overreaching new powers in the Department of HHS, Waste Fraud and Abuse, Class 1 Medical Device taxes, and more.

It would be hard for any Democrat to defend striking down any of these amendments but I'm sure some will try.

If this bill makes it through to reconciliation, the true REPEAL process will begin.

I truly hoped that this bill would never make it this far, but it has.

Pass the word, get involved, leave your comments here even if you disagree.

Repeal this bill. Save our country's future.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can This Health Care Bill Be Repealed?

Well, it has not passed yet. That's a good thing.  The question has come up about a spot in the monster bill that says the bill cannot be repealed in the future. That is partly correct. There is a mention of it "it shall not be in order in the senate or the house of representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection".

The section is found in the description of the Independent Medicare Advisory Board on page 1,020. In order to insert this, this legislation would be changing the Senate rules - (that this bill cannot be repealed) and that requires a two thirds majority vote in the Senate. So, if they insert this "non repealable" clause, they will need a two thirds vote. Not gonna get it.

There is even a question about whether this non repeal notion is even constitutional. The purpose of Senate rules like this is to prevent a tyrannical majority from stamping out the rights of future Congresses or minorities. That question should not even be coming up. But it is. Isn't our president an expert on constitutional law? Then Sen. Obama, who taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, has regularly referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," most famously at a March 30, 2007 fundraiser when he said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution." Maybe that gives him the insight on how to progressively destroy, dilute, or undermine it.

So much for Democrats looking out for the rights of the minority. Oops. In this case the minority is the Republican Party and no matter what the numbers say, they cannot be a minority because they are Republican.

I hate the double standards in politics. Get ready to repeal the bill. It must be repealed if it passes. It will be repealed if it passes.

Great video of Senator DeMint on that issue:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So Much For Transparency

The final details about the health care reform bill are now being worked out - in private. No cameras. No reporters. No Republicans. No Transparency.

Somewhere in the back of my mind this morning came the old quote "Men loved the darkness because their deeds were evil".

Why, I wonder, are the final negotiations going on in private? Because Obama and the Dems do not want the country to see who is getting the deals for their votes. They are not hammering out the details. They are bribing fence riding Senators and Congressmen for their vote on the bill. Obama's Chicago mob is more interested is passing something than doing what is right for the country.

That's why CSpan's letter went unanswered. That's why Pelosi is quibbling with the truth about being/not being transparent. Sure, the cameras were rolling when they were discussing the nuts and bolts of how the bill will work. She and her gang from the Patch, Terror Town, Boys Town, or Lakeview just don't want the public to know just how corrupt the process is.

Votes for Dollars. That's what it is all about.

Votes for Dollars.

Get ready to push for the repeal the bill movement.